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Welcome to the first week of our new session.    Classes are running as usual

Refunds and Make up Classes

Missed Lessons: There are no refunds, credits or make up classes for missed lessons except in the case of medical or extenuating circumstances.

Make up Classes: We do not make up classes due to inclement weather or circumstances beyond our control.  Any class cancellations will be announced on our website and our Facebook page.

Fees, Discounts and Policies

*Space permitting, you may register for lessons anytime during the year & fees are pro-rated according to your start date.

*North Bay Gymtrix reserves the right to deny services provided by North Bay Gymtrix to any person for the following reasons:
Including but not limited to:
1) an outstanding account with North Bay Gymtrix
2) demonstration of un-sportsman like behaviour deemed to be detrimental to a person or persons at North Bay Gymtrix, or the integrity of any program / service provided by North Bay Gymtrix.
 3) We do not tolerate any abuse towards our staff members or cliental at any time.

Important Dates

Our first week of classes after the summer will begin Tuesday September 10th, 2024.  Please bring your child with hair tied back (if needed) and a reusable water bottle.

Start and End Dates for our 24/25 season

Summer Session - Monday July 8th, 2024-Monday August 26th, 2024 (closed Mon Aug 5th)

Session "A" - Tuesday September 10th, 2024-Saturday November 16th, 2024

Session "B" - Tuesday November 19th, 2024-Saturday February 8th, 2025 closed 2 weeks (week of 23rd and 30th)

Session "C" - Tuesday February 11th, 2025-Saturday April 19th, 2025

Session "D"-Tuesday April 22, 2025- Saturday June 28th, 2025


What does my child wear?
  • Your child can wear a leotard or shorts/pants and a t-shirt.
  • Anyone with hair that can be tied back, must be tied back
  • NO Hoodies, strings, buckles, zippers or Jeans.
  • Gymnastics is safest with bare feet
  • Please remove all jewelry (stud earrings are ok)

How long is a session?

Our sessions run for 10 weeks (summer sessions are a different length)

Can I join after a session has begun?

Yes, you can join at anytime at a pro-rated cost.

I've already paid the Gymnastics Ontario membership fee.

The GO fee is an annual fee that runs from July 1st until June 30th and must be renewed every year.  You will be required to pay this fee, per participant for any program that starts after July 1st. This fee is non-refundable.

Ready to get started?

View our available lessons
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