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Welcome to the first week of our new session.    Classes are running as usual

Drop-in Times and Fees 

1st Visit - All participants using any of the equipment - children and adults = $7 (50% discount)

2nd Visit - All participants (as above) - Gymnastics Ontario (annual) Fee = $45 (Valid from July 1st - June 30th)

3rd visit & Additional Visits - $13         

We will be closed for holidays and long weekends unless otherwise stated.                 

  • Adults who supervises child(ren) but does NOT use any of the equipment = Free                                                                                                   
  • Additional adults who enter the gated area but do NOT use any of the equipment = $5                                                                                          
  • If however, accompanying adult(s) use any of the equipment, then the Regular participant fee will apply                                             
  • SPECTATORS who view from the upstairs viewing area = Free

All participants are required to submit two (2) signed forms, prior to entering gym gate.  

If participant is under 18 yrs, forms must be completed by parent or legal guardian

FAMILY (all ages)

September - June

Wednesday 10:15-11:15

Sunday 9:00-10:00

Sunday 10:15-11:15

July & August Sunday 10:00-11:00 Tues, Wed, Thurs 1:00-2:00


September - June 

Adult only Tuesday 8:00-9:00

Adult/Teen Thursday 8:00-9:00

July & August  Monday 7:30-8:30


September - June

Thursday 10:15-11:15

July & August  Closed

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